Tips on How to Create Great Logo
A logo can strengthen the brand name in the market. The existence of a logo in business as a face that represents the image of a product. Big companies, home industries, or even online shops create a logo to represent their business. The logo will be a symbol of the identity of a brand that distinguishes it from other brands. That’s why the logo will be used in all promotional and marketing activities of the business. Logo design can affect the branding of a product. A good logo can be easily recognised and will be remembered by many people. A logo can build a customer’s perception of your business in general. However, creating a brand logo is not easy. Designing an attractive logo requires high creativity. Often, business owners and graphic designers take a long time to think of ideas to create logo designs. So, here are some tips for creating a logo that fits your brand.
Use the double entendre visual technique
Double entendre is a term used to describe an image that has two meanings. This trick can be used when you want to create a logo for a brand. The double entendre visual design will give a smart and artistic impression to the logo. The design can provide a brand name without the need to include text in the logo. Therefore, this will make the brand logo easy for customers to remember.
Originality is an important aspect of designing a logo. When people see your logo, they won’t remember anything other than your product or brand. What will you remember when you see the swoosh sign? Surely you will immediately remember a well-known sports fashion brand, Nike. Or when you see a picture of a bitten apple? You must have guessed that the logo belongs to Apple Inc. If you find out that the bitten apple logo is from another brand, then you will consider the logo as plagiarism and unoriginal work. Therefore, you need to consider originality to create a logo.
There must be a story behind every logo. Seeing a logo as just a pattern of lines, text, or artwork, will never lead you to uncover the deepest meaning behind it. Ideally, a perfect logo should tell two stories, one obvious and one hidden. In making a logo, you must also pay attention to color. The color must have its own philosophy that can express the value of a brand. Because the philosophy in the logo gives a deep meaning so that it is more memorable and meaningful.
A logo is not only simple, easy to remember, and timeless, but must be versatile. The logo must be able to be applied in various media with various materials. Ideally, the logo is designed in a vector file format so that it can be adjusted in any size and shape, both in a vertical and horizontal position. To do this, the logo should be designed first using only black and white color choices, so that someone who sees it can focus on the concept and shape of the logo before moving on to more complex compositions.
Those are the tips for creating a logo design that you need to know. Although it is not easy, it is guaranteed that all the tricks and examples above can make your brand logo attractive and can attract customer interest. If you need a professional team to create a logo design, you can use a design service in Singapore. They will help you create a logo you want and attract people’s interest.